
Birds are a prolific form of wildlife that can be found from the wilderness to suburban and urban landscapes; they seem to have adapted quite well to humankind's takeover of the planet. From a photographer's perspective, this adaptability is a blessing that allows suburban photographers to enjoy wildlife photography even around their own homes, without having to trek off into the wilderness. (Of course, more remote areas do tend to have more prolific wildlife)

The longer you watch birds, and particularly if you spend time photographing them (capturing short and unique moments in time), you begin to realize just how elegant they can be (not all the time, of course!). Covered in often beautiful plumage, you often find them striking courtly and stylish poses as they go about their daily lives. In those captured moments in time, they often remind of talented, human dancers, appearing as striking ballet dancers holding a gracious pose, or exotic feather dancers cloaked in their own plumage. Presented here are a selection of such moments in time that I've captured over a number of years and call "Bird Dancers."



All images, text and content Copyright © Bradley Sheard. All rights reserved.